
みかんも乗ったかわいい「鏡餅」の折り紙です。年賀状に貼ったりお正月の飾りにぴったり。保育園や幼稚園、小学校、病院などの壁面飾りにも。 #お正月 #正月






“かがみもち” への9件のフィードバック

  1. This is an insightful article that provides a fresh perspective on the topic. I appreciate the way you challenged readers to think critically about the issue.

  2. Your article gave me a lot to think about and sparked some great discussions with my friends and family. Thank you for providing such thought-provoking content.

  3. I believe that this article will be highly beneficial to those who are interested in the topic.

  4. This article has inspired and motivated me to learn more about the topic.

  5. Your article is a valuable resource for anyone interested in this topic. I’ve already shared it with several friends and colleagues.

  6. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and insights on this topic. It’s always valuable to hear from someone with firsthand knowledge.

  7. Thank you for addressing a controversial issue and providing different points of view in this article.

  8. I appreciate the time and effort you put into writing this article. It’s clear that you are passionate about the subject.

  9. Your article is both informative and inspiring. I appreciate the way you presented the information in a way that challenges readers to take action and make a difference.
